The Future of IT Infrastructure is Multi-Cloud

Discover the benefits behind hybrid services to increase your organization's productivity.

As the internet made its way into our lives, little did we know how much it would affect our daily routines. There’s very little we do now-a-days that doesn’t involve some sort of internet connection. The internet has become an environment of its own, and of course, it is subject to change. In this day and age, companies and individual need a place where to store their data. As a cellphone user, you must be very aware of cloud storage (normally called drives, or some sort of “cloud” variable). Of course, you must also be aware of their benefits and flexibility. All you need is a steady internet connection and, readily, you have access to all your favorite photos and videos from vacations past. But what about businesses? Businesses need to store sensible data. Even more, many business structures need to store and access large amounts of data from cloud services (either from their private server or from their apps). This might be somewhat difficult (unless you’re hiring the services of GPIEX) at times. 

Imagine this scenario. You’re in need to rebuild your entire IT infrastructure so you may upgrade to a cloud service provider. You’ve spent months looking for the best, most optimal, managed service provider. At last, you find an arrangement that is suitable to your needs and you decide to migrate your data over to the cloud. It works for a while, but then, your customers start demanding specs and services that are provided by another server or their apps. The solution is, of course, to follow the internet trend and adapt to changes.

Multi-cloud Approach

A multi-cloud approach relies on the use of two, or more, cloud platforms to satisfy the needs of their customers. The implication is that no matter how many cloud services are hired, they must all deliver a specific application or service that the others do not possess (regardless of whether they are public or private). Typically, these platforms are owned by different hybrid service providers.

Benefits of Multi-cloud

Perhaps the greatest benefit from multi-clouding is the added flexibility and the integration of several new tools into your company’s cabinet. This instantly allows you to access new markets, capture new customers (while keeping the old ones satisfied), and offer much more diverse services. 

As a business compares more and more managed service providers, they can decide on which ones are best suited to their company objectives. It becomes much easier to migrate data from one cloud to another if you have multiple options at your disposals. 

Since the business is now storing their information in multiple platforms, data loss is much less likely, downtimes are mitigated, and latency is improved. All good qualities when it comes time to offer your services (comparable to even enterprise IT setups).


The future of IT seems to be a multi-cloud future. More and more companies are expanding on to cloud hosting services. Having more than one at your disposal is only a logical business step. GPIEX is a managed service provider and peering service provider. There’s no better option when it comes to cloud hosting and hybrid solutions.

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