Using Fiber Networks to Access the Cloud


As technology has taken giant steps towards the future, in the same way its many different tools have been changing gradually to provide users the best experience ever. Connectivity and management of network access is only the tip of the iceberg of the many things that ISP are upgrading. Data storage is an issue that ISP are always trying to improve to keep costumer happy, and this too has evolve tremendously from a floppy disk a few years ago to the cloud service today.

Everybody has heard at less once to talk about “the cloud”, it is a software and services that run on the internet, instead of locally on your computer. Most cloud services can be accessed through a web browser and some companies offer dedicated mobile apps. There are public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud; the most famous cloud services include google drive, apple iCloud, Netflix, Dropbox and many more. An amazing advantage of using the cloud service is that you can access your information on any device with an internet connection; another benefit of the cloud is that, because the remote servers handle much of the computing and storage, you don’t necessarily need an expensive, high-end machine to get your work done. But a great disadvantage is that without an internet connection or a bad one you´re basically locked out of accessing your data and cloud based programs.

Cloud computing depends mainly on bandwidth, without an enough or a proper bandwidth cloud computing is impossible. Fiber optics is ideal for cloud computing because it translates into fast network and powerful increased bandwidth that enables you to reach your data store in the cloud. There is nothing better in the market right now that can compete with fiber optics, it is more effective, reliable and can carry trillions of bits per second. To meet the increasing demand of better services ISP are switching from copper cabling to fiber optics to deliver costumers great internet connection.

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